Academic Corner
My name is Renee Carder. I live in Blue Ridge with my husband D.J., and our three sons. Our boys are all students in Fannin County Schools, and we stay busy with hobbies, mountain biking, and spending time with our extended families.
I was raised in Fannin County, and attended Morganton Elementary, East Fannin Elementary, Fannin County Middle School, and graduated from Fannin County High School in 2001. I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education from Kennesaw State University in 2006, and I began teaching that same year in Pickens County. I taught 1st and 4th grades before becoming the academic coach. While teaching in Pickens, I received a Master's Degree in Elementary Reading and Mathematics, special education certification, and gifted and reading endorsements. I was excited to return home to East Fannin in 2016. Since then, I completed a Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership, a dyslexia endorsement, and LETRS training.
I am looking forward to a great school year! We have several new initiatives, that will provide our fantastic team members with some great resources and professional learning opportunities, to be excited about this year!
Please email me at or call the school if you have any questions or if I can assist you.

Renee Carder
Academic Coach