About the School

Pictured above is East Fannin Elementary School
East Fannin Elementary School is located in the rural community of Morganton in Fannin County, Georgia. The school sits on a high knoll overlooking a stretch of the Appalachian Mountains. East Fannin served as a high school from the fall of 1956 through 1976. East Fannin High School closed in 1976 and became a junior high school when the new year began in the fall. With the implementation of the middle school program, East Fannin became a middle school in the year 1976. After the opening of the new middle school, East Fannin was closed for the 1992-1993 school year. During this time the school was completely renovated and a new wing was added. The new addition included administrative offices, a clinic, media center, common area, lobby and eleven new classrooms. The front entrance was relocated from the east side to the south side. With the consolidation of Mineral Bluff Elementary and Morganton Elementary, the school reopened in the fall of 1993 as East Fannin Elementary.